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About Zelda Dungeon Project

The Zelda Dungeon Project is an attempt to recreate gameplay from level 1 in The Legend of Zelda

Development Details

  • Development Cycle: 3 weeks (Agile)
  • Team: 2 Student Developers
  • Engine: Unity
  • Programming Language: C#

Role: Gameplay + Audio Programmer

  • Programmed logic for dungeon traps, unlocking doors, player combat mechanics and item placements.
  • Implemented a custom mechanic not present in the original game, adding new gameplay to the player experience.
  • Developed audio events for playing dungeon music and combat sound effects.
  • Utilized Jira for managing project deliverables and ensuring game features were implemented by their deadlines.


  • What Went Right: Team synergized well and were able to re-create most aspects of the original dungeon.
  • What Went Wrong: Time management issues midway in development lead to crunch time, resulting in some features being rushed or incomplete.
  • Lessions Learned: Set aside time everyday to work on the project, instead of 2-3 times per week. Remain conscious of design choices and scope, ensuring that features are structured well, but not over-engineered.